Departmente ID: 01005
Departmente Name: Homestead Twp FD
County: Benzie
Departmente ID: 01007
Departmente Name: Inland Twp FD
County: Benzie
Departmente ID: 01006
Departmente Name: Thompsonville VFD
County: Benzie
Departmente ID: 01101
Departmente Name: Baroda FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01102
Departmente Name: Benton Harbor DPS
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01103
Departmente Name: Benton Twp Fire
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01104
Departmente Name: Berrien Springs-Oronoko Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01105
Departmente Name: Bertrand Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01106
Departmente Name: Bridgman FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01107
Departmente Name: Buchanan FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01130
Departmente Name: Buchanan Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01124
Departmente Name: Chikaming FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01121
Departmente Name: City of St. Joseph DPS
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01109
Departmente Name: EAU Claire FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01110
Departmente Name: Galien Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01113
Departmente Name: Lake Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01126
Departmente Name: Lincoln Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01116
Departmente Name: New Buffalo City FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01117
Departmente Name: New Buffalo Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01118
Departmente Name: Niles FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01119
Departmente Name: Niles Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01108
Departmente Name: North Berrien Fire Resuce
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01131
Departmente Name: Royalton Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01125
Departmente Name: Sodus Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01122
Departmente Name: St Joseph Charter Twp Fire #1
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01123
Departmente Name: St Joseph Twp FD Station 2
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01127
Departmente Name: Three Oaks FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01128
Departmente Name: Watervliet FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01129
Departmente Name: Weesaw Twp FD
County: Berrien
Departmente ID: 01201
Departmente Name: Bronson FD
County: Branch
Departmente ID: 01202
Departmente Name: Coldwater FD
County: Branch
Departmente ID: 01206
Departmente Name: Lakeland VFD
County: Branch
Departmente ID: 01203
Departmente Name: Quincy FD
County: Branch
Departmente ID: 01204
Departmente Name: Sherwood Twp FD
County: Branch
Departmente ID: 01205
Departmente Name: Union City FD
County: Branch
Departmente ID: 01301
Departmente Name: Albion Department of Public Safety
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01304
Departmente Name: Albion Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01302
Departmente Name: Athens Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01303
Departmente Name: Battle Creek FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01320
Departmente Name: Battle Creek Veterans Affairs FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01305
Departmente Name: Bedford Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01306
Departmente Name: Burlington Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01307
Departmente Name: Emmett Twp DPS
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01308
Departmente Name: Fredonia Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01309
Departmente Name: Homer FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01310
Departmente Name: Leroy Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01311
Departmente Name: Marengo Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01312
Departmente Name: Marshall FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01313
Departmente Name: Marshall Twp FD
County: Calhoun
Departmente ID: 01314
Departmente Name: Newton Twp FD
County: Calhoun